Tag Archives: April fools

The Day I Got Married

What happened to me? Did I go even crazier than usual? I told you my life turned into a telenovela recently. Getting secretly married is a good end to the story.  

After having announced the big news on Facebook, it took only a few minutes for my friends to react. Qatar, Australia, France,  the word spread from the Southern to the Northern Hemisphere. That’s the beauty of modern technology I guess.

Some were offended : ‘Thanks for the invite.’

I had to add that it was only a nikah, a religious ceremony, to explain why nobody was invited.

Some were happy and congratulating : ‘Alhamdulillah…May your marriage be blessed.’

Some were shocked : ‘Whaaaaattt?’  or ‘What did you do?’

Some had to write or call me. 

And some checked the date : ‘This better not be an April Fools joke. Mabrook otherwise.’

‘I guess April fools right ?!’

Yes it was!

I’m not only the person who gets tricked (see The Day I Had The Most Surprising Surprise), I do it too!

For some reason, French speakers were the ones who bought it the less. Maybe the tradition is more important there. In France, when I was in primary school, we used to put a fish on people’s back. It was before social media gave us all these new options for practical/virtual jokes.

Thanks anyway for your kind messages. God willing, one day it will be for real.

Life lesson: Never get married on April 1st if you want people to take you seriously.



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