The Day My Auntie Insulted Me

I know you’re all dying to know who is this ‘someone’ and that you hate me for keeping you in suspense. Well the wait is over. Let me introduce you to Khadeja Sana. She’s Muslim, young, pretty, a smart dresser who covers her hair. She even has a blog, just like me:

No, no, don’t worry, I didn’t fall in love again, on the contrary. I’m talking about my 18-year old ex’s aunt. Fond of me at the beginning, she ended up sending me the worse message ever via Facebook. (Apparently I can make good first impressions but that doesn’t last.) My crime? As I said in my previous post, I took off my relationship status of Facebook. Judge for yourself. For non-Farsi speakers, begharat means someone without pride. Warning. This message contains strong language and sexual references from the outset and throughout. (Thank you MTV)


I think this little work of art says more about its author than anything I could add. I’m sorry I didn’t reply sooner auntie San. You see, I tried to call you. Looks like you blocked my number. I guess things are easier when one is hidden behind a screen. I have to say I’m a bit disappointed by your little essay. You could have made it more personal. You could have attacked me on my many flaws. Insulting someone is so common. You could have written that to anybody. Now I don’t feel special anymore. I have to admit that the immigrant part is funny though. I didn’t realize you were an Aboriginal Australian. Aren’t you the daughter of Afghan refugees? That would explain the spelling mistakes in your message. Little tip from a French immigrant: ‘epidemy of begharat’ doesn’t mean anything. I think you meant epitome, right? And one last thing, you mentioned the phone your niece gave me. You should check the Holy Quran 2.264. It’s about reminding people of your good deeds… you’re not supposed to do it.


People around me were really shocked by the kind of language used. ‘How is your relationship her business?’ ‘Is she crazy?’ ‘The last paragraph… WT*?!’ ‘I’m sure you won’t come close to an Afghan again.’ (Coming from an Afghan) My mother’s reaction was more balanced: ‘Aren’t you shocked?’ ‘I’m happy they didn’t kill you. […] You know these people are a bit backward.’ ‘But she’s veiled. How can she talk like that?’ ‘You still don’t know that people may seem good from the outside but aren’t always inside?’ Dear Khala Sana, I have to thank you. Your scatological letter, (I’m sure Freud would have a lot to say about that too), helped me to  take my decision. I was still hesitating about my relationship with your niece. You gave me an answer. So merci (tashakor in French)! But the real disappointment in all of this, was my ex’s reaction. To be continued…


Filed under El destino de Maria y Alejandro, The Day I...

25 responses to “The Day My Auntie Insulted Me

  1. Pingback: The Day My Life Turned Into a Bollywood Movie (8) | daysinhadistan

  2. malou

    Help!!! A few minuts, I believed you talked about me(aunt)!!! No, I ‘m kidding….So,you must forget it quickly!!!…

  3. This is a good response to the crazy aunt. And yes, everyone is Australia is an immigrant – especially Afghans.

    But, you should apologise to this Aunt Sana… see, you should apologise that you weren’t aware that her niece and the mother were psychotic or else you wouldn’t have ever gotten involved with them in the first place.

    And, your mother sounds cool:)

    • Hahaha! I think the worst part is that they think I’m the villain.
      The good part is that it helped me realized that my mother has reviewed her opinion on Islam and religions in general.
      I was so shocked that a Muslim can talk like that and she said: ‘If all the believers were really following their religions there would be no war.’
      That’s a big change coming from a French religion-skeptic!

  4. martyns

    unbelievable!!!! Thank God you got relived from those people. This kind of behaviour is the proof that you’re better off without them.

  5. Martyns

    Let me tell you something forget about these toxic people!!!, fortunately you avoided to be committed and involved in a nothing but a mess

  6. hatcheb

    She needs to mind her own business !

  7. Narciss

    Dieu merci que tu t es pas engagé avec une famille aussi lâche et minable

  8. Narciss

    Pour ceux qui n estiment pas ta valeur il faut qu ils sachent que t es un diamant et le meilleur et Allah t’a protégé et t’a privé d une famille aussi minable


    Dure de laisser un commentaire après avoir lu ces sottises. Je connais bien mon pote, je sais ce qu’il vaut, donc ne même pas s’arrêter sur ces conneries. Tu t’approche de la perfection toi même tu sais donc ne te prend pas la tête avec ça. C’est un bien pour mal: les masques sont tombés avant que tu t’engages.

  10. Dominou

    Next girl !!!! 😉

  11. Alice

    Nice article, I’ve learned a new word “begharat” (I try to see positive things in every situation:D)
    BTW, if someone wants to be elegant, it is not only with clothes but it is mainly by the attitude.
    Elegance is from France (ça rime !!!), isn’t it my classy friend ? 😉

    • Hahaha. Thanks. I think a lot of people learned a new Farsi word with this article! Yep elegance is an attitude.”L’élégance est quand l’intérieur est aussi beau de l’extérieur.”(Mademoiselle Chanel)

  12. Well hadistan, this is just a funny post! It is why you can’t deal with afghan extremist people. They will just set right and wrong according to what they see in life and will act accordingly. Those people, just like sana, won’t evolve to the human standards required for this modernity and the more you put yourself in such circles, the more disappointed you will be. Your post also shows that if extremist muslims do not find anything to fight or threaten or kill… they will start to fight, insult, threaten and kill each others. In Parisian french it means : “incompatible avec la vie”. So, to sana: “**** yourself little ungrateful being” and to Hadistan: Never ever date an extremist anymore. Xoxo

  13. Lucile

    Je ne comprends pas pourquoi tant d’insulte et d’acharnements, quand les personnes ne sont pas les protagonistes. Tu sais qui tu es et s’est le principal

  14. elisabeth

    take care… of you, it’s the most important for my eyes…
    be careful, people are so rarely as sincere as you are…

  15. MemyselfandI

    After going trough your story I’m shocked! u should definitely go straight to the police for your safety and sue her for insults, racism and harassment. She shouldn’t have behaved that way.

  16. Mary

    Dommage que votre relation ait été parasitée par cette famille étouffante et qui se mêle de ce qui ne la regarde pas!! Je pense que t’as fait le bon choix, pas facile mais nécessaire…
    J’espère au moins qu’ils vont finir par te ficher la paix! Et que tu trouveras chaussure à ton pied (“chaque pot à son couvercle” comme dirait Zezette!!!) 😉

  17. Mimi

    D’ac av Nadia et les autres com

  18. sabrina

    je suis profondément choquée par de telles paroles, de surcroît lorsque que j apprends qu elles sont prononcées par une croyante. elles sont en tout état de cause loin de te représenter Hedi. tu es un garcon formidable, respectueux, généreux et à l écoute des autres. cette personne ne te connaît pas et pourtant vomi une haine que tu n as pu lui inspirer… qu à cela ne tienne ne retiens qu une seule formule de mon message 7asbin Allah Wa na3mal wakil….non en fait 2 : we love you brother. may Allah be with you…and with her….

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